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  • Société acadienne et francophone de l’Île

Société acadienne et francophone de l’Île


Dedicated to preserving Acadian and Francophone culture, this organization strengthens language, heritage, and community through education, events, and advocacy. 50% of proceeds from this artwork will help fund programs that celebrate and support the Acadian and Francophone communities of PEI.

  • Classic Poster: Premium Archival Matte Paper

    - 8in x 10in [125 ed.]

    - 11in x 14in [100 ed.]

    - 16in x 20in [75 ed.]

    - 24in x 30in [50 ed.]

    Standard Canvas: Econo Smooth Canvas 300G

    - 8in x 10in [75 ed.]

    - 11in x 14in [50 ed.]

    - 16in x 20in [25 ed.]


    - 12in x 18in (108 pcs) [open ed.]

    - 18in x 24in (500 pcs) [open ed.]

    - 24in x 30in (750 pcs) [open ed.]

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